1. Where does Mic the Vegan Live?
Currently in Iowa, US building a tiny house and making videos.
2. Is Mic pronounced Mick or Mike?
IT’S MIKE!!!!! A play on microphone.
3. Is Mic a medical professional?
Nope. Mic has never claimed to be a medical professional or dietician. He has a Masters in Public Health (MPH).
4. Does Mic dye his beard or hair?
Mic’s red beard is a natural result of genetics. It is called a gingerbeard.
5. How long has Mic been vegan?
12 years.
6. Does Mic support violent vegan activism?
7. Why/how did you start a YouTube channel?
Mic: After gathering scientific resources for myself that convinced me to go vegan, the next step was to defend my decision to concerned relatives and friends as well as people who generally attack vegans. After compiling a lot of information and going on rants a few people told me I should start a channel. I wasn’t motivated enough to do it until a girl in Miami told me I could never make a difference as one vegan. I had to prove her wrong.
8. How old is Mic the Vegan?